Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Which bank? Worst advertising compaign ever

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) will go down in history as having instituted one of the worst advertising campaigns in history. The by-line was 'Which bank?" Which bank allows you to ....access your money....., which bank....allows you to....
You get the picture. With the decline in bank services, it has really bounced back at them, becuase now people say.... Which bank.....screws you to high heaven?
Well, thats the easiest question.

You might ask why do I get so angry....its because the reality is so far from the advertising jingos. So I have decided to develop a blog dedicated to the company, because I cant believe the INCREDIBLY bad service I have received from this company. Really surprising because they have made alot of money from brokerage on my share trading account.

So I want shareholders to know how bad their bank treats their customers. After I air all my grievances, I will talk about some of shareholders, so feel free to send me links. Sorry I can't publish your grievances. This is likely to go to a legal case, and I can't be responsible for other people's assertions. Its intimidating enough taking on a bank. But I can provide a link to other sites.

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